William Hiram Geddie1

M, b. 29 March 1861
     William Hiram Geddie was born on 29 March 1861 at Sumter County, Alabama.1 He married Lula Moseley on 31 December 1885 at Van Zandt County, Texas.1

Child of William Hiram Geddie and Lula Moseley


  1. [S85] Genealogy.com, online http://genealogy.com, William Hiram Geddie, "Descendants of William Hiram Geddie, Page 1 of 5", FamilyTreeMaker.com, User Home Pages, accessed 28 Nov 2012 (http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/f/l/y/…).

Yetta Gelband1

     Yetta Gelband married Solomon Plasker before 1890.

Child of Yetta Gelband and Solomon Plasker


  1. [S18] Ancestry.com, online http://www.ancestry.com/, Jacob Manheim "Jack" GOLDBERG; State of New York, Certificate and Record of Marriage, The City of New York Department of Health; Certificate number: 9911; Located: Savada Family Tree; Maintained by: Elias Savada; Accessed: 30 Jul 2022 (https://www.ancestry.com/family-tree/person/tree/103070347/…).

Mary Virginia Geller1,2

     Mary Virginia Geller married San Alopinar Neria on 18 December 1945 at Dallas, Dallas County, Texas.2

Child of Mary Virginia Geller and San Alopinar Neria


  1. [S18] Ancestry.com, online http://www.ancestry.com/, Texas, U.S., Birth Index, 1903-1997 [database on-line]; James Daniel Neria; Original data: Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997. Texas: Texas Department of State Health Services. Microfiche; Roll number: 1952_0011; Accessed: 21 Nov 2023.
  2. [S18] Ancestry.com, online http://www.ancestry.com/, Texas, U.S., Select County Marriage Records, 1837-1965 [database on-line]; Apolinar Neria; Dallas County Clerk's Office; Dallas, Texas; Dallas County Marriage Records; Original data: Dallas County, Texas. Marriage records. Dallas County Clerk's Office, Dallas, Texas; Accessed: 21 Nov 2023.

Carolyn Genevieve1

     Carolyn Genevieve married Nels Conrad Benson before 1940.1

Child of Carolyn Genevieve and Nels Conrad Benson


  1. [S174] Star-Telegram.com, online http://www.star-telegram.com/, Obituary of Sharon Louise Shuler (1940-2009), pub. 27 May 2009, archived on Legacy.com, accessed 12 May 2012.

Bessie Corene Gentry1

     Bessie Corene Gentry married Russell Harold Bennett before 1956 at USA. She married Jesse L Worrell on 28 June 1974 at Tarrant County, Texas.2

Children of Bessie Corene Gentry and Russell Harold Bennett


  1. [S18] Ancestry.com, online http://www.ancestry.com/, Texas, U.S., Birth Index, 1903-1997 [database on-line]; Randall Lynn Bennett; Original data: Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997. Texas: Texas Department of State Health Services. Microfiche; Roll number: 1962_0002; Accessed: 22 Jun 2022.
  2. [S18] Ancestry.com, online http://www.ancestry.com/, Texas, U.S., Marriage Index, 1824-2017 [database on-line]; Bessie C Gentry; Case number: 352831974067312; Original data: Texas Department of State Health Services. Texas Marriage Index, 1966-2014. Texas Department of State Health Services, Texas; Accessed: 22 Jun 2022.
  3. [S18] Ancestry.com, online http://www.ancestry.com/, Texas, U.S., Birth Index, 1903-1997 [database on-line]; Russell Glenn Bennett; Original data: Texas Birth Index, 1903-1997. Texas: Texas Department of State Health Services. Microfiche; Roll number: 1962_0002; Accessed: 22 Jun 2022.

Margaretha Gerber1,2

F, b. circa 1810
     Margaretha Gerber was born circa 1810.3 She was the daughter of Philipp Gerber and Philippine Wiegand.4 She married Heinrich Bawel, son of Georg Franz Bawel and Katharina Elisabetha Renner, on 27 December 1832 at Freinsheim, Bad Dürkheim, Pfalz.4 She and Heinrich Bawel emigrated on 23 November 1854 from Freinsheim, Pfalz, via Le Harve, France with their family aboard the ship St. Denis.3

Children of Margaretha Gerber and Heinrich Bawel


  1. [S18] Ancestry.com, online http://www.ancestry.com/, Rhineland, Bavaria, Palatinate and Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1556-1973 [database on-line]; Heinrich Bawel; Bavaria, Germany, Lutheran Baptisms, Marriages, and Burials, 1556-1973; Custodian: Zentralarchiv Der Evangelischen Kirche Der Pfalz, Speyer; Film Number: 193847; Page Number: 84;85; Originale: Zentralarchiv Der Evangelischen Kirche Der Pfalz, Speyer, Deutschland; Accessed: 2 Feb 2022.
  2. [S18] Ancestry.com, online http://www.ancestry.com/, Germany, Select Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898 [database on-line]; Heinrich Bawel; Original data: Germany, Births and Baptisms, 1558-1898. Salt Lake City, Utah: FamilySearch, 2013; Accessed: 2 Feb 2022.
  3. [S18] Ancestry.com, online http://www.ancestry.com/, New York, U.S., Arriving Passenger and Crew Lists (including Castle Garden and Ellis Island), 1820-1957 [database on-line]; Heinrich Bawel; Year: 1854; Arrival: New York, New York, USA; Microfilm Serial: M237, 1820-1897; Line: 1; List Number: 1586; Original data: Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at New York, New York, 1820-1897. Microfilm Publication M237, 675 rolls. NAI: 6256867. Records of the U.S. Customs Service, Record Group 36. National Archives at Washington, D.C.; Accessed: 2 Feb 2022.
  4. [S28] Family Search, online http://www.familysearch.org/eng/default.asp, "Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1500-1971," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QPRF-HHMJ : 24 October 2021), Heinrich Bawel, 27 Dec 1832; images digitized and records extracted by Ancestry; citing Marriage, Freinsheim, Freinsheim, Bad Dürkheim, Pfalz, Bayern, Deutschland, Freinsheim, German Lutheran Collection, various parishes, Germany; Accessed: 2 Feb 2022.
  5. [S28] Family Search, online http://www.familysearch.org/eng/default.asp, "Deutschland Geburten und Taufen, 1558-1898", database; (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:NPWM-NBL : 24 October 2021), Heinrich Bawel in entry for Daniel Bawel, 1834; Accessed: 2 Feb 2022.

Philipp Gerber1

     Philipp Gerber married Philippine Wiegand before 1808.

Child of Philipp Gerber and Philippine Wiegand


  1. [S28] Family Search, online http://www.familysearch.org/eng/default.asp, "Deutschland, ausgewählte evangelische Kirchenbücher 1500-1971," database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:QPRF-HHMJ : 24 October 2021), Heinrich Bawel, 27 Dec 1832; images digitized and records extracted by Ancestry; citing Marriage, Freinsheim, Freinsheim, Bad Dürkheim, Pfalz, Bayern, Deutschland, Freinsheim, German Lutheran Collection, various parishes, Germany; Accessed: 2 Feb 2022.

Elizabeth Angeline Gholson1

F, b. 21 September 1831
     Elizabeth Angeline Gholson was born on 21 September 1831 at Paducah, McCracken County, Kentucky.2 She was the daughter of Govenor Richard Dickerson Gholson and Mary Jane Martin.2 She married Martin Harbison Milliken, son of William Milliken and Nancy Ramsey, on 13 January 1848.2 She lived circa 1858 at Parker County, Texas.3

Children of Elizabeth Angeline Gholson and Martin Harbison Milliken


  1. [S86] Rev. Gideon Tibbitts Ridlon Sr., History of the Families Millingas, Pg.491 "Millikens of Orange Co., No. Carolina."
  2. [S85] Genealogy.com, online http://genealogy.com, Gholson Family Genealogy Forum, Posted by: Wiley Alston Jarrell, 13 Nov 2003, Accessed: 11 Oct 2013 (http://genforum.genealogy.com/gholson/messages/368.html).
  3. [S123] RootsWeb-Fannin County, TX, online http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~txfannin, Biographical Sketches of the State of Texas (digitized copy), Pg.599.
  4. [S5] Mary Ellen Dorsey, "Descendants of Charles Milliken", Person ID #292.
  5. [S5] Mary Ellen Dorsey, "Descendants of Charles Milliken."

Phebe Jane Gholson1,2

F, b. 6 March 1837, d. 29 December 1856
     Phebe Jane Gholson was born on 6 March 1837.2 She was the daughter of Govenor Richard Dickerson Gholson and Mary Jane Martin.2 She married William Milliken, son of William Milliken and Nancy Ramsey, on 6 July 1854 at Kentucky.1 She died on 29 December 1856 at Paducah, McCracken County, Kentucky, at age 19.1,2


  1. [S86] Rev. Gideon Tibbitts Ridlon Sr., History of the Families Millingas, Pg.490 "Millikens of Orange Co., No. Carolina."
  2. [S85] Genealogy.com, online http://genealogy.com, Gholson Family Genealogy Forum, Posted by: Wiley Alston Jarrell, 13 Nov 2003, Accessed: 11 Oct 2013 (http://genforum.genealogy.com/gholson/messages/368.html).

Govenor Richard Dickerson Gholson1

M, b. 31 January 1804, d. 23 August 1862
     Govenor Richard Dickerson Gholson was born on 31 January 1804 at Garrard County, Kentucky.1 He married Mary Jane Martin on 15 April 1826.1 He died on 23 August 1862 at Troy, Obion County, Tennessee, at age 58.1

Children of Govenor Richard Dickerson Gholson and Mary Jane Martin


  1. [S85] Genealogy.com, online http://genealogy.com, Gholson Family Genealogy Forum, Posted by: Wiley Alston Jarrell, 13 Nov 2003, Accessed: 11 Oct 2013 (http://genforum.genealogy.com/gholson/messages/368.html).