- [S4] Interview with Vera Lee Hunter & Kenneth Hunter (1400 Avenida Serena, Marble Falls, Texas, 78654-3304), by Keith Hunter. Unknown repository (unknown repository address).
- [S6] Houston County Courier Online, online http://houstoncountycourier.com/. Hereinafter cited as Houston County Courier.
- [S9] Obituary, Marble Falls Highlander, World Wide Web. Hereinafter cited as Marble Falls Highlander.
- [S24] Marion County Tennessee History and Genealogy, online http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~tnmario2/. Hereinafter cited as Marion County Tennessee.
- [S34] Elwyn B. Robinson Department of Special Collections, Chester Fritz Library, University of North Dakota, online http://www.library.und.edu/Collections/spk.html. Hereinafter cited as UND Special Collections.
- [S43] James Hill Fitts, compiler, Lane Genealogies Volume II (Exeter, N.H.: The News-Letter Press, 1897). Hereinafter cited as Lane Genealogies Vol.II.
- [S136] Longview News-Journal.com, online http://www.news-journal.com/. Hereinafter cited as Longview News-Journal.com.
- [S139] The Teachworth Family Website, online http://teachworth.org. Hereinafter cited as Teachworth Family Website.
- [S144] NationMaster.com World Statistics, Country Comparisons, online http://www.nationmaster.com. Hereinafter cited as NationMaster.com.
- [S146] The Early Birds of Aviation, Inc., online http://www.earlyaviators.com/. Hereinafter cited as Early Aviators.
- [S147] Cornell University website, online http://www.cornell.edu/. Hereinafter cited as Cornell University website.
- [S148] Washington University St. Louis website, online http://www.wustl.edu/. Hereinafter cited as Washington University St. Louis website.
- [S149] Arizona State University website, online http://www.asu.edu/. Hereinafter cited as Arizona State University website.
- [S162] Letter from Alan Plantz (7817 Hunter's Path, Indianapolis, IN 46224) to Wilford Jordan, 17 Mar 1982; unknown repository (unknown repository address).
- [S176] "Unknown article title", The Adirondack Record-Post, online unknown url. Previously published in hard copy (Elizabethtown, Essex County, New York: n.pub.). Hereinafter cited as Adirondack Record-Post.
- [S177] "Unknown article title", Essex County Republican, online http://news2.nnyln.net/essex-county-republican/search.html. Previously published in hard copy (6721 US HWY 11, Potsdam, NY 13676: Northern New York Library Network Digitization Project). Hereinafter cited as Essex County Republican.
- [S186] 1830 U.S. Census, National Archives and Records Administration.
- [S187] 1840 U.S. Census, National Archives and Records Administration.
- [S203] Lu Ann and Joseph Stowers Stone Ferguson, compiler, Stowers Family History In Western Kentucky And Related Families: Ashburn, Balee, Edwards, James, Proctor, and Sloss (Chelsea, Michigan: Book Crafters, 1998). Hereinafter cited as Stowers Family History.
- [S216] University of Connecticut Digital Commons, online http://digitalcommons.uconn.edu. Hereinafter cited as UCONN Digital Commons.
- [S226] Hamilton County Tennessee Genealogical Society Website, online http://www.hctgs.org. Hereinafter cited as HCTGS online.
- [S227] Clements-Wilcox Funeral Home website, online http://www.clements-wilcoxfh.com. Hereinafter cited as Clements-Wilcox.
- [S230] New York State Census of 1855, National Archives and Records Administration.
- [S242] Baby Names, Baby Name Meanings, Nickelodeon Parents Connect, online http://babynamesworld.parentsconnect.com. Hereinafter cited as Baby Names World.
- [S247] Interview with Lauel Jane Jordan Foster (Smyrna, Tennessee), by Keith Hunter. Unknown repository (unknown repository address).
- [S262] Manta, Big finds from small businesses, online http://www.manta.com/. Hereinafter cited as Manta.com.
- [S278] Kalamazoo County Genealogical Records, online http://kalamazoogenealogy.org/. Hereinafter cited as Kalamazoo Genealogy.
- [S279] Interview with Nancy Layne (Vicksburg, MI), by Keith Hunter.
- [S296] Interview with Timothy Scott Shuler (Johnson County, Texas), by Keith Hunter.
- [S302] Myers & Smith Funeral Home & Chapel, online http://myersandsmith.com. Hereinafter cited as Myers & Smith.
- [S314] The Randolph Leader - Randolph County’s News Source Since 1892, online The Randolph Leader. Hereinafter cited as The Randolph Leader.
- [S315] The Anniston Star, Local News, Business, Sports, Entertainment, Events, online http://www.annistonstar.com/. Hereinafter cited as The Anniston Star.
- [S318] Price Funeral Home, Lewisburg, Kentucky, online http://www.pricefuneralhome.com/index.shtml. Hereinafter cited as Price Funeral Home website.
- [S323] Chatttanooga Times Free Press, online http://www.timesfreepress.com/. Hereinafter cited as Times Free Press.
- [S324] Tributes.com - Online Obituaries, Funeral Notices and Death Records, online http://www.tributes.com/. Hereinafter cited as Tributes.com.
- [S331] Letter from Vicky Hunter Beck (Idaho) to Keith D. Hunter; unknown repository (unknown repository address).
- [S343] Vineyard Gazette | Martha's Vineyard Magazine | Island Weddings | The Vine | Time Machine, online https://vineyardgazette.com/. Hereinafter cited as Vineyard Gazette.
- [S365] Neal-Tarpley-Parchman Funeral Home & Cremations, Clarksville, TN website, online https://www.nealtarpleyparchman.com/. Hereinafter cited as Neal-Tarpley-Parchman.
- [S367] MyHeritage, Free Family Tree, Genealogy, Family History, and DNA Testing, online https://www.myheritage.com/. Hereinafter cited as MyHeritage.com.
- [S368] Isabelle, "About Marguite Hill on your website Family Tumbleweed," e-mail message from e-mail address (unknown) to Keith Hunter, 22 Jul 2019. Hereinafter cited as "About Marguite Hill."
- [S374] New York State Census of 1865, National Archives and Records Administration.
- [S375] NYS Historic Newspapers, online https://nyshistoricnewspapers.org/. Hereinafter cited as NYS Historic Newspapers.
- [S378] Kalamazoo Funeral Homes | Langeland Family Funeral Homes Burial & Cremation Services, online https://www.langelands.com/. Hereinafter cited as Langeland.
- [S386] Echovita Obituaries - Wher loved ones are eternal, online https://www.echovita.com/us. Hereinafter cited as Echovita.com.
- [S395] Iron Range Research Center: Genealogical , other records from the Iron Range area in Northern Minnesota located at the Minnesota Discovery Center, Chisholm, Minnesota, online https://www.ironrangeresearchcenter.org/. Hereinafter cited as Iron Range Research Center.
- [S398] The Laurel Leader-Call | Jones County's Home Town Newspaper, online https://www.leader-call.com/. Hereinafter cited as The Laurel Leader-Call.
- [S412] Unknown household, NY State Census, unknown location, unknown record info, National Archives and Records Administration unknown repository address.
- [S415] Keeper: Free Online Memorial Sites & Tributes, online https://www.mykeeper.com/. Hereinafter cited as MyKeeper.com.
- [S424] Nie Family Funeral Home & Cremation Service, Inc. | Ann Arbor, MI, online https://www.niefuneralhomes.com/. Hereinafter cited as Nie FamilyFuneral Home.
- [S429] Ancestral Clark | The Genealogical Publishings of Brendon S. Burns, online https://vtcrewcat.wordpress.com/. Hereinafter cited as Ancestral Clark.